Transgender Law and Policy Institute
National Center for Transgender Equality
Global Action for Trans* Equality
National Voices for Equality Education and Enlightenment
World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH)
*See something missing? Tell us about it.
July 28, 2015
"Being Transgressive" wins 4 awards at the June 2015 Global Independent Film Awards!!! This makes 8 awards we have won, in total, from 3 different festivals this year so far! CONGRATS TO EVERYONE!!
WINNER: Best GLBTQ Film (Gold)
WINNER: Diversity & Inclusion Award (Silver)
WINNER: Humanitarian Award (Bronze)
WINNER: Best Supporting Actress (Bronze)
July 3, 2015
"Being Transgressive" wins again!!
Congrats to the cast, crew, and supporters for winning the 2015 Best Shorts Competition in the LGBT category, Award of Recognition!
June 28, 2015
"Being Transgressive" WINS!!
We have been awarded the following at the 2015 CTLPDX International Film Festival in Portland, Oregon:
WINNER: Best Film in the Acceptance category
Congratulations to all cast, crew, and supporters of the film!
June 1, 2015
Macmillan Publishing Brazil has acquired non-exclusive rights to our one-minute epilogue video featuring Dr. Katharine Campbell, LCSW, speaking about the need for transgender equality in the workplace.
Macamillan plans to distribute this information to the Brazilian government as part of an English-language training initiative by disseminating 3,000 copies for teaching students, ages 11 to 15, the importantance of gender equality.
May 5, 2015
Check out the article written about our south Florida premiere from Miami ArtZine writer Michelle Solomon. Click here to read all about it!
"Film Exposes Transgender Workplace Issues"
Miami ArtZine "contains original feature stories about arts and entertainment, professional reviews and Around Town photo galleries by miamiartzine.com's professional photographers. The zine has also expanded to cover not only Miami-Date County, but Broward and Palm Beach counties." (Taken from miamiartzine.com)
April 28, 2015
We are excited to announce the release of our soundtrack from the short film Being Transgressive! Get into the mood and #BeTransgressive anytime you want with our composer- Jim Hughes' beautifully melodic score!!
Preorder your digital copy now, and receive a track from the album immediately (if ordered before April 30). The full soudtrack becomes available on Thursday, April 30th!
25% of all proceeds go to the Transgender Law Center!! Click here to order your copy today: Being Transgressive - Soundtrack
Find out more about the Transgender Law Center (TLC) here: http://transgenderlawcenter.org
April 26, 2015
Join us on Tuesday, April 28 at 7:30pmEST as we chat about our short film, Being Transgressive, with radio host/diva Alexandra Bello on her show, Artistic Times by Alexandra Bello Productions!
Tune in at 1470AM or on iHeart Radio, and call in to the show at 888.565.1470 to be on air with us!
Visit http://alexandrabello.com for more information!
April 6, 2015
The premiere of Being Transgressive is finally here! On April 30, 2015, festivities will commence at the Gateway Theatre in Fort Lauderdale to celebrate the completion of our 22-minute short film.
Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a part of this event! Email your inquiries to: minervafilms@me.com or call Josh @ 954.336.1191.
Space is limited, and preference for seating is given to cast, crew, supporters, and their guests. More screenings will be announced soon - so stay in touch!
February 8, 2015
Check out the very first teaser trailer for the upcoming film! Click here to see on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/119071926
December 16, 2014
A HUGE thanks to everyone who made out first weekend of principle photography a great success!
We have an amazing group of supporters, cast and crew members, and stakeholders!! One week to go to complete the shooting phase. Click here to sign up for our newsletter!
Enjoy this screenshot from one of our scenes!
Are you transgressive?
December 9, 2014
Call us crazy, but we decided to extend our deadline another 24hours!!!
This amazing work of fine art by Julie Dostie measures 30 by 24 inches, painted using oil on canvas. The artwork depicts miracles as a part of nature, bringing the viewer into a cosmic journey found in oneness.
You can enter to win the original painting "Oneness #2" by purchasing a $20 ticket that will automatically enter you into the drawing. One winner will receive the original oil on canvas immediately after principle photography takes place, on December 21, 2014. Just in time for the holidays!
Imagine owning this beautiful work of art that sells for $5,000! All proceeds will go to The Gender Experience: Being Transgressive, a campaign to assist transgender individuals in the workplace.
About the artist: As a self-taught artist standing outside the mainstream of the art world, Julie Dostie's style of painting is an expression of restless energy and constant travels. Throughout her travels, Julie has been inspired to capture the beauty and presence of the moment. Working in various painting styles using a limited palette to suit her personal or professional desires. Julie's works are featured in private and corporate collections throughout the United States and Europe. Her work has been exhibited in National Juried Shows and has won awards from the National Arts Program as well as Art Associations, Art Guilds and Galleries.
Click here to see more outstanding work from Julie Dostie: http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/julie-dostie.html
To enter, click the PayPal "Buy Now" button, and you will be given a receipt number that will be pooled and randomly selected using a program for statistics, SPSS, which will create a random selection for the final winner.
Contest ends on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 at 11:59pm. Winner will be announced on Thursday, December 11th at 1pm EST. Artwork will be shipped overnight on Monday morning, December 22nd.
Questions? Call 954.336.1191 to speak with Josh, or write us at minervafilms@me.com.
November 3, 2014
Auditions! Sponsored by Media and Talent Productions
Minerva Films will be holding auditions for the short film Being Transgressive on Saturday, November 15, with callbacks on Sunday, November 16. Each day will begin at 11:30am with our last appointment time at 5:40pm. An appointment is required to audition.
Story: Mac is a female-to-male (FTM) transgender financial accountant who decides to undergo the beginning phases of gender transition at work. To everyone’s surprise, Mac ends up not only transforming himself, but also everyone else at work, particularly touching the heart of Jerry, her boss.
The short will be shot on HD, with total running time of less than 15 minutes.
Here are the cast breakdowns:
The story is about MAC, a late 20s/early 30s female to male individual who struggles at work to maintain a gender transition while questioning his identity and self-presentation. (This role requires the ability to pass as both male/female and ambiguous.)
JERRY is a biological male (older, mid 40s to mid 60s) who owns the accounting firm where Mac works. Jerry is a traditionalist who believes in a gender binary, where individuals are either male or female. (This role requires being able to pass as an older man.)
JOSEPH works with Mac at the accounting firm, and is younger (early to mid 20s), full of energy, and very inquisitive. (This role requires being able to pass as a young man.)
MARY also works with Mac, and is very straightforward, almost to a fault (mid to late 30s). She has no problem saying what’s on her mind, and can sometimes be oblivious to the obvious. (This role requires being able to pass as a woman.)
JERRY’S WIFE compliments the gender binary by supporting her husband in the traditional role of the wife. She is very pretty, late 30s to early 40s, and well put together. (This role requires being able to pass as a traditional housewife.)
MAN – this is a bit role that requires a more masculine look. (Open to interpretation.)
DOCTOR – Older professional (late 40s to early 60s), male or female. (This role is open to interpretation and gender variance.)
Location: Media and Talent Productions
290 SW 12th Avenue, Suite 5
Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Call Joshua for an appointment time at: 954.336.1191
Auditions have been sponsored by Media and Talent Productions, who offer acting lessons and all sorts of great professional production services. Check out their website here: http://mediaandtalent.com And call 954.785.1515 for more information. Please do not call this number for audition information – use the number listed above. This number is for professional inquiries only. (Thank you!)
Audition information: Saturday (Nov. 15) will consist of a cold reading from the script. Please bring your headshot/resume along with you, and please come 15 minutes early (or more) to fill out paperwork and study your lines. NO SIDES WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE BEFORE AUDITIONS. All audition slots are 20 minutes in length. If you are not present 15 minutes before your audition, you are considered late.
If you are chosen for callbacks (Sunday, Nov. 16), we will provide you with sides to study overnight. Callbacks are from 11am-6pm. You will be asked to partake in 2-hour blocks where you will be grouped with other actors. We may not need you for the entire 2 hours, but ask that you please keep it open just in case (time slots/callback times to be given out after your audition, if chosen to return).
Payment for all cast and crewmembers is on a deferred basis. All talent must be available for our shoot days (December 12-14 and 19-21), with a few exceptions. Email or call us with your questions: minervafilms@me.com and 954.336.1191 -Joshua
Thanks! We look forward to meeting you in person.
Are you transgressive?
September 27, 2014
Our crowfunding campaign is coming to a close in just a few days! We can still use your help, so please pass the word on and help us make the workplace less discriminatory and stigmatizing for the transgender community! Click here for our RocketHub campaign.
September 12, 2014
Minerva Films is seeking headshots/comp cards/resumes from acting talent IN OR NEAR THE SOUTH FLORIDA AREA who consider themselves as falling into any of these categories:
Gender Variant
Gender Fluid
Male to Female (MTF)
Female to Male (FTM)
Trans persons who pass as female
Trans persons who pass as male
Gender Neutral
Being Transgressive is a short film that will be shot in HD throughout the south Florida area. We are currently in preproduction, with casting set to occur in mid to late November, and principle photography set for December 12-14 and 19-21. (Please note that these dates are preliminary and can be subject to change.)
Cast of Characters*
The story is about MAC, a late 20s/early 30s female to male individual who struggles at work to maintain a gender transition while questioning his identity and self-presentation. (This role requires the ability to pass as both male/female and ambiguous.)
JERRY is a biological male (older, mid 40s to mid 60s) who owns the accounting firm where Mac works. Jerry is a traditionalist who believes in a gender binary, where individuals are either male or female. (This role requires being able to pass as an older man.)
JOSEPH works with Mac at the accounting firm, and is younger (early to mid 20s), full of energy, and very inquisitive. (This role requires being able to pass as a young man.)
MARY also works with Mac, and is very straightforward, almost to a fault (mid to late 30s). She has no problem saying what’s on her mind, and can sometimes be oblivious to the obvious. (This role requires being able to pass as a woman.)
JERRY’S WIFE compliments the gender binary by supporting her husband in the traditional role of the wife. She is very pretty, late 30s to early 40s, and well put together. (This role requires being able to pass as a traditional housewife.)
MAN – this is a bit role that requires a more masculine look. (Open to interpretation.)
DOCTOR – Older professional (late 40s to early 60s), male or female. (This role is open to interpretation and gender variance.)
* With the exception of Mac, the Man, and the Doctor, the cast of characters is set as biologically male or female, creating a need for talent filling these roles to believably pass on-camera as the intended gender. The point is to play with the audience’s mind: we want them to think these are actual, biologically (cisgender) non-trans individuals playing these characters, until after the film when we reveal that all talent portraying these roles were actually played by transgender and gender variant actors.
Please send your materials to: minervafilms@me.com
And please use the subject heading: Being Transgressive Casting
We welcome all different types of talent (union/non-union), whether you have lots of experience or nothing at all. Even if you feel that none of the roles above really fit you, we still have a need for extras, background talent, and we are open to changing certain roles to fit the most talented individuals we find – so don’t hesitate to send us your materials!
Please no phone calls. We will contact you if we feel there is a fit, and would like to have you audition for us. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!
September 2, 2014
Want to know more about entertainment-education (E-E) communication strategies? Just click here to be taken to our newest blog all about it! You might be surprised when you find out what famous past and current shows have used it!
August 19, 2014
From Monday, August 25 to Sunday, the 31st, we invite you to join us in a social media conversation on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word and educate others on the issues we face each day with trying to shake off gender traditions that dictate how we understand and treat others who challenge the assumption that male and female are the only two choices individuals can make in life.
August 18, 2014
Great news! Now you can like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!
As part of our ongoing efforts to spread the word about gender issues, gender discrimination, and being gender variant, we are dedicated help create environments where individuals and institutions can find ways to create opportunities for those stigmatized in the world.
August 5, 2014
Ever since this blog was created, we have had the blessing of experiencing both good and not-so-good responses toward it. Some have thanked us for writing about an often misunderstood part of the human experience, while others have told us some really interesting things, including being called "rude," and "disrespectful." While we respect all types of opinions on the matter, we maintain the importance of not giving up hope that we can educate and inform others so that, at a minimum, we can gain more respect, equality, and tolerance for gender identity and gender transsgresive movements.
The Gender Experience is part of a scientific study being conducted under the supervision of The Chicago School of Professional Psychology as part of a dissertation for a doctoral degree in business psychology.
The purpose of the study is to identify the factors that currently exist in the workforce that are an impediment to individuals who identify as transgender, and how we can help to lessen those roadblocks successfully.
Part of the study includes the production of a short film, Being Transgressive. The script is being written according to research that has been published in peer-review articles that explore the issues and benefits of transgender workers who undergo their gender transition while at work. The story is about a female-to-male (FTM) transgender individual, Mac, who must fight to keep his job and stay true to himself.
The short film, once completed, will be used as a social intervention in a quantitative investigation that proposes to lessen stigma and prejudice toward transgender individuals in the workplace. The short story will adhere to the guidelines and theoretical framework provided by prior research using the methodologies of entertainment-education (or E-E).
Entertainment-education (E-E) has been around for over 40 years, and has been scientifically shown to lessen stigma and change attitudes for the better. Our hope is that by incorporating the constructs of EE research and applying it to the plight of transgender individuals in the workplace, we will be able to show evidence of a reduction in stigma and prejudice in non-transgender individuals.
After the completion of the experiment, we propose using the short film as an example of how corporate training videos can be changed for the better. Somehow, many corporations have decided that their training videos should be made as inexpensively as possible, utilizing poor production values and bad acting. We plan to show that by spending just a little more time and resources on these training videos, many more people can be affected and motivated to treat others respectfully. We also plan on entering into film festivals that highlight the needs of the LGBTQ community.
As it stands, this will be the first scientific investigation of its kind that uses an E-E motion picture intervention to assist the transgender population undergoing gender transition while in the workplace. We are excited to be a part of this movement, and hope that you will join us!
Are you transgressive?
All the Best,
Joshua Caraballo, Writer/Director
Founder/Minerva Films, LLC
Dawn Scott, Executive Producer
Gone by Dawn Productions
Jim Hughes, Musical Director and Composer
Kevin Smith, Director of Photography
And... You!
What is The Gender Experience: Being Transgressive?
Josh Caraballo talks about the characters and storyline of Being Transgressive, the short film part of the social movement we call The Gender Experience. The video was originally intended for our crowdfunding campaign. Enjoy!
Gender expectations can get in the way of seeing how we, as humans, sometimes categorize others automatically without really "thinking" about it, thus creating stereotypes. Watch the rant!
The Latest News

Enjoy the first teaser trailer!
The Importance of Transgender Equality in the Workplace, with Dr. Katharine Campbell, LCSW

Watch the official trailer now!