Wake up America! Forget About World War III, the U.S. is About to Erupt into a Civil War
What's happening now has been happening for centuries. We practice a religion or a way of life until it becomes stale enough to rival a...

Results of Individual Assessment Instruments: Joshua's Personality Traits and Behaviors
Part of a series in getting to know the Founder of Minerva Films, Joshua Caraballo... Photo credit: Danielle Sanchez In an effort to...

I Am an ENTJ, But Don't Hire Me Based on That! Why Using the MBTI for Employee Selection is Just
Photo credit: Danielle Sanchez About a year ago, I was a chosen applicant for a consulting firm in the northwest U.S. to advance to the...

My Life: The Abridged Version (How I Got Here, and Where I am Going)
Phot credit: Danielle Sanchez I was born in 1977 with complications, which might have been the first hint of what was to come. Every year...

Selecting an Appropriate Intervention: Creating a Media Awareness Program that Works
In the 2013 to 2014 fiscal year, ABC Tech had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertising for a new interactive mobile scanning...

Using McKinsey’s 7-S Framework to Foster Effectiveness and Break Organizational Silence
Business management consultants are tasked with providing guidance to organizational leaders through client solutions that result from a...

Creating Organizational Alignment with Talent Management Strategy at Minerva Films
In the year 2020, it is projected that the number of individuals age 65 and up will exceed 716 million people, thus creating a fierce war...

The Business Case for Talent Management: Zappos.com and Holocracy
The dynamics inherent in contemporary business operations foster an ongoing need for creating a competitive advantage, and harnessing the...

Understanding the Difference Between B2B and B2C Marketing for Consulting Psychologists
Former U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower is said to be one of the most productive individuals in history, fostering a decisional matrix...

Exploring the Complex Dynamics of Change Implementation: An Empirical Case Study
Most professionals clearly understand the need for continuous efforts of change initiatives that improve the performance and fiscal...